Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Taylor Momsen

A real girl with a style and personality that seems to have changed out of nowhere. A musician, an actor, a model, she's a triple threat. I believe that her "goody-two shoes" personlity of previous years and her matchcing style was completely an act to try to fit in with the new hot show she had just started upon. Once her style started to gradually change from upper east prep girl to grungy rocker chick, her personality seemed to as well. While two years ago at 14, she would never be caught dead smoking, drinking, partying or smearing dark shadows across her lid, now at 16 (or is it 17??) she is caught doing all of the above. Many ask if it is the music, or the influences of Hollywood - but honestly right now I don't care. Honestly, as a prep, she looked better. Now she just looks like a drunky, anorexic child trying to be something she's not. But that's just my opinion.
Just look at those clothes.
Her original "prep" stage:


Transitioning Stage:

Her lovely "rocker chic" phase of the current time:

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